aka. Lily & Maria
Lily leaves tomorrow and I don't know what Maria is going to do without her. They have LOVED spending this week together. One of the first people that Maria asks for in the morning is "Ninny". Not to say that they haven't done their fair share of hitting and pushing... they have, I believe there was even a bite thrown in the mix. But when all is said and done they love each other at then end of the day and give big hugs nigh-night.
One of the days this week we headed over to Sumas to meet Great Grandma Penn. While we were waiting in the car we got stickers out.

Those stickers and the flip-down mirrors entertained those two for quite some time.
Maria and I went for a quick jaunt to Canada to buy some Perogies at Costco (SO much easier than making them!!) while Nanna & Lily played with Great Grandma...

Another day Nanna decided to clean out the chicken coop... so Bapa brought the tractor over to negate the need for a wheel barrow. Maria LOVED the tractor...

Lily liked the tractor...

but when the tractor started up Lily wanted NOTHING to do with the it and Nanna had to rescue her.

We also played in the garden boxes... it's amazing how much fun those little girls can have with a spoon and some dirt.

and then they decided to go for a walk.

It was an interesting week. We didn't venture out to too many places... we weren't sure how the Nanna and the pregnant lady could handle two toddlers in public... especially if they started running in opposite directions. We sure did have fun though and are going to miss Lily TONS.
Lily leaves tomorrow and I don't know what Maria is going to do without her. They have LOVED spending this week together. One of the first people that Maria asks for in the morning is "Ninny". Not to say that they haven't done their fair share of hitting and pushing... they have, I believe there was even a bite thrown in the mix. But when all is said and done they love each other at then end of the day and give big hugs nigh-night.
One of the days this week we headed over to Sumas to meet Great Grandma Penn. While we were waiting in the car we got stickers out.
Those stickers and the flip-down mirrors entertained those two for quite some time.
Maria and I went for a quick jaunt to Canada to buy some Perogies at Costco (SO much easier than making them!!) while Nanna & Lily played with Great Grandma...
Another day Nanna decided to clean out the chicken coop... so Bapa brought the tractor over to negate the need for a wheel barrow. Maria LOVED the tractor...
Lily liked the tractor...
but when the tractor started up Lily wanted NOTHING to do with the it and Nanna had to rescue her.
We also played in the garden boxes... it's amazing how much fun those little girls can have with a spoon and some dirt.
and then they decided to go for a walk.
It was an interesting week. We didn't venture out to too many places... we weren't sure how the Nanna and the pregnant lady could handle two toddlers in public... especially if they started running in opposite directions. We sure did have fun though and are going to miss Lily TONS.