I'm back... hopefully.
This past month has been full of drama.... which I don't really want to re-hash, so I'm not going to. Here's to moving forward.
Yesterday might have just been a random Wednesday to most folks, but to me it was May 26th... the day I got married. So for the first time in quite a while I put on lipstick & shoes that weren't flip-flops, and went out to dinner with my hubby sans children (thank you mom & dad!!)
We went over to Anthony's down by the bay for a lovely dinner. The children had a great time with Nana & Bapa, and we got home in time to put them to bed. I really couldn't have asked for more.
In way of updates...
up to 10 lbs 4.5 oz
holding his head up really well
we're figuring out the sleeping & eating thing (it's amazing how much I've forgotten.
He's smiling & cooing & stealing my heart.
is such a big girl... today she said "go find bapa"... a 3 word sentence. I was flabbergasted.
she's sleeping thru the night
she wants to help all the time
she loves giving cooper hugs and kisses and wants to hold his hand
she wants to hold my hand when she's in her car seat.
she loves to dance, and bounce, and swing, and walk, and the tractor... oh how that girl loves the tractor!!
getting a little more sleep... which makes me happy
a little jealous of everyone else that gets to play with Maria when I really want to. I miss the days when it was just us and she was all mine... now we have to share each other, we're adjusting, but sometimes it's hard.
This past month has been full of drama.... which I don't really want to re-hash, so I'm not going to. Here's to moving forward.
Yesterday might have just been a random Wednesday to most folks, but to me it was May 26th... the day I got married. So for the first time in quite a while I put on lipstick & shoes that weren't flip-flops, and went out to dinner with my hubby sans children (thank you mom & dad!!)
We went over to Anthony's down by the bay for a lovely dinner. The children had a great time with Nana & Bapa, and we got home in time to put them to bed. I really couldn't have asked for more.
In way of updates...
she's sleeping thru the night
she wants to help all the time
she loves giving cooper hugs and kisses and wants to hold his hand
she wants to hold my hand when she's in her car seat.
she loves to dance, and bounce, and swing, and walk, and the tractor... oh how that girl loves the tractor!!
getting a little more sleep... which makes me happy
a little jealous of everyone else that gets to play with Maria when I really want to. I miss the days when it was just us and she was all mine... now we have to share each other, we're adjusting, but sometimes it's hard.