Things are progressing for our move.
We sold our car.
Which is HUGE.
We put it on craigslist and basically sold it the next day.
I'm thankful that it's one less thing for me to worry about before we go, but I sure do miss it.
It was a 2003 Chevy Tahoe.
It was wonderful.
If we ever went to visit either of my brothers with my parents we could all fit in, no problem.

My parents are graciously letting us borrow their truck until we go.
Some days it's a little finicky. But it gets us from point A to point B, for which we are VERY grateful.
We also had the kids Dr's appointments (which I mentioned before). We got the Dr's OK to go... no extra shots or medications necessary. We just need to take our current medications/vitamins, and take precautionary measures against Malaria and
We've still got a few things to do before we leave:
renew Marco's passport
go to podiatrist
gather stuff
pack stuff in boxes (leave here)
pack stuff in suitcases (take there)
buy plane tickets (figure out if we really do have to buy a ticket for Cooper)
and there are more things to do.... but I can't remember them.
'cause you know... if it isn't written down, then it doesn't exist.
and that doesn't include daily activities like:
feeding the kids
doing the laundry
playing outside
doing the dishes
coloring with maria
cuddling with cooper
finishing up misc. crafts
reading with maria
cleaning the bathroom
which seem to take up most of the day.
We will get it all done eventually... I just hope that I don't go crazy before it actually happens.