Today it was chilly. So chilly, in fact, that I was wishing for my slippers that are in a box 4,000 miles away, that and a cup of hot chocolate... I think I'll have to just settle for some socks.
Cooper has been pretty fussy the past few days. I don't know if it is because of all the traveling or the new location & faces, or teething. Today he is feeling so much better. Back to his happy giggling baby self and I am so happy. He's still a little clingy, but getting better.
Ok. Now for the tour of the house.... but first, a few things to keep in mind.
-There are no chain stores here.... definitely NO Walmarts.
-As far as I can tell (so far) there are is a VERY limited amount of stores that you can buy things above and beyond food & clothing.
-Craigslist does not exist here. People use things until there is no use left in them.
-I'm not completely organized yet. Not everything has a place so things won't look as neat and tidy as I want them to be.
-We are happy. We may not have MANY things, but we are making due with what we do have.
Here is an exterior shot. Our place is the tan colored one (right) and Marco's parents live in the blue one. Yes the road is not paved, and yes there is unfortunately garbage here and there. They do have a truck that comes by once a week to pick up garbage that residents leave by the front door, but because we live right across the street from the open air market a lot of people throw their trash on the ground and the city hasn't gotten around to picking it up yet... although I'm tempted to do just the road in front of our house....
This is our living room from the front door.... actually I re-arranged the furniture today so it's a little different. The living room is about 9x9. At night it is the best lit room out of the whole house... the other rooms either don't have lights (yet), have dim lights, or have no electricity (yet).
Here is another view of the living room. I actually really like the doors here.... they are wide (just over 3 feet) old wood doors. I want to get some sandpaper and stain and make them beautiful again.
Here is the dining room/ kitchen. As you can tell there isn't a lot there yet. No fridge, no stove, no sink, no counters, no cabinets, no table... but it's all good. This is the view from the living room towards the bedroom.
This is the dining room/kitchen from the bedroom towards the living room. Where the suitcase is on the floor... that is the dining part of the room. This side of the arch is the kitchen area... or proposed kitchen area. The suitcase we have used a few times as a crib for Cooper. It's in the dining room because that is a room that currently has no lights or windows, therefore it is the darkest.
This is the bathroom. I made the bathroom caddy hanging on the door for our old place due to limited countertop storage space.... It comes in really handy here.

Here is the shower head that converts the cold water into warm.... it is so nice. I think well worth it.
Here is our bedroom from the door that leads into the kitchen. This part of the house is new and doesn't have any electricity yet. Something with the guy that built it did something funky so we've got to get that figured out. Cooper was asleep on the bed when I took the pictures....

This is the view from the opposite corner. We've got GREAT daylight in this room. I love it. Again it's got one of those great wood doors. At night we push the love seat up against the end of the bed and voila, Maria has a bed.
Ok, so two pictures got deleted somehow and I don't feel like going thru all the time and effort that it takes to upload pictures with this internet again.... so just breif descriptions:
The bathroom in the new addition.... currently we are using it as a storage area. Each suitcase has different items... one has extra kids clothes, another socks, another Cooper's food, and another extra medicine/vitamins.
The 3 foot space.... this was an area left empty by the contractor between the old building and the new addition.... not sure why he left it that way, so finishing it was one of the projects on Marco's to do list. It's lovely and finished now and has a hook up for a washing machine if we ever decide to get one. Right now it is a storage space for Marco's tools.
There you go.... a tour of our little honduran house.