Saturday, December 29, 2007

cleaning house and monopoly

So, it's Saturday here once again. Marco worked until mid afternoon today, so i found myself with plenty of time to get the house in order. I took down the Christmas decorations and packed them up for another year. did laundry, which seems like a never ending task, cleaned bathrooms, vacuumed.... you know the regular Saturday chores. I opened the windows and got a nice fresh breeze going thru.... it was probably in the 60's, very pleasant.

Last night Marco and I had some friends over for dinner and games. It was fun! We broke out the juicer and had some fresh juice.... and played Monopoly. Now, I haven't played monopoly in YEARS, and when i did play... when i was like 9 years old, we didn't play by the real rules.... i don't think that before last night i ever made it thru an entire game, and i certainly never used the houses or the hotels. Well, I lost, and it was pretty pathetic. I had negative $92, and the other girl won with $10,000+ dollars. I guess this just means that I'm going to have to practice so that I don't suck so horribly bad next time!!

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