Monday, April 19, 2010

Cooper : 2 Weeks

Cooper had his two week check up this morning.
He's ok.
He's got this nasty cough... he sounds like he's an old man. It's just heartbreaking to hear my little fella cough like that. His lungs sound OK though... we just need to watch his breathing and if he has any difficulty breathing then the doctor wants to see him ASAP.
He's also got a plugged tear duct. Massage that with a warm cloth, but if the eye starts getting red then it's probably infected.
He's not back up to birth weight either (which just in case you didn't know they like newborns to be back up to their birth weight by 2 weeks). He was 7lbs 9oz at birth and right now he is at 7lbs 2oz. We think it's because he's sick... we'll go back in next Monday and hopefully he'll be back up by then. He's dropped from 25% for weight down to 10%.

Cooper is a dear sweet baby. He's pretty content all the time. We're working on figuring out the whole day vs. night thing. He's been doing better the past few nights.
Maria is feeling MUCH better and is pretty much back to her old self. She's eating more and definitely happier. She's started giving Cooper kisses on his forehead and likes to hold his hand while we're driving.

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