Friday, December 18, 2009

Home again...

Marco and I took of Wednesday morning.

We drove to Seattle and flew to Raleigh via Atlanta.

We had breakfast, drove by our old house (it still looks the same), swung by my old office (which is a LOT different), picked up some snacks for on the plane, said hello to dear sweet friends and their yummy little baby, and then headed to the airport.

Marco is safe. He'll be busy with work. Maria & I will miss him dearly.

I've only cried about 25 times... which is really good considering the fact that I'm really ridiculously emotional when I'm not pregnant... I'm working on being strong and brave... it's not going so well.

Total time in Raleigh: 16 hours
Total distance traveled: 6,487 miles
Total time traveling: 17 hours

Days 'til Marco is home: 104

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know how that feels. I hope the time passes happily for you.