Friday, February 19, 2010

Baby X

I had another Dr appointment this morning. We did another growth ultrasound and checked on baby's biometrics. He is doing GREAT. He weighs about 4 lbs 7 oz right now which is right around 50% (which is what we're shooting for).... movement was great, fluids were great.... everything was just wonderful. Now I get to start on weekly visits with non-stress tests. They also gave me the papers to pre-register at the hospital. It's getting close... only 7 weeks to go!

Here's a profile pic from this morning:


I've been working on getting everything ready for the baby... I got out the infant car seat and Maria thinks that it is a great toy. She crawls in, she put's her "babies" in... she LOVES it.


And something that I'm excited about... Yesterday Maria came up to me and said -bum, bum, diaper- she was telling me that she had just gone poops in her diaper... she told me twice!! I was so excited. Hopefully potty training is not too far off then we'll only have one baby in diapers!!


Rach said...

I cant wait to see this little dude (hopefully as little as Maria:) ) And I also really can not wait to know what baby x's name is:) maybe xavier?

Kristen said...

Hey! Congrats! I guess I've been behind on blogging and didn't hear that you were expecting. So fun, boys are great. And wow, you have been busy. Your projects look great! I'm very impressed with your quilting/sewing skills. My sewing machine is still in a box in the basement. I'm avoiding it at all costs. :)