Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Things are happening...

... all over the place there is change... lil' sister gets married this week... younger brother and his family are moving across country...
(they're heading to NC... so for those of you there give them a shout out! They're amazing you'll love them!!)

AND things are falling into place for us. Marco, I, and our two lovely children will be packing our bags too....
Heading south.

The end of August we'll all hop on a plane bound for Honduras!!

Here's to big adventures!!


Tif said...

I had heard you were moving...but I wasn't sure the news was "out" yet and didn't want to get anyone in trouble for sharing the news!

I'm....excitedly scared for you? Does that make sense? I'm sure you're about the same-a mixture.

I'm coming up tomorrow evening so I'll be at the wedding! Not sure if the girls will be there with me or if they'll stay at Jason and Crystal's, but I'll be there and can't wait to see you!

claireb said...

Moving to Honduras? Wow... how exciting!!

JoeKatie said...

Congratulations and Best of Luck on your new adventures!!!