Sunday, January 23, 2011


This is the pila.  It is where the laundry is washed, but it also holds a lot of extra water just in case the water is turned off for a little too long.

There is a spicket attached to a hose which goes into the great big tub that Maria would LOVE to go swimming in.  The there is the table with a recessed area in it with the grate for washing the clothes.... and there is a pipe that drains the water out into another concrete container that has a pipe draining it to the back of the property.

Maria loves (play) washing the clothes.  
(if you look closely you'll notice that she got into the nail polish... not only did she get her fingers, but she also got her arms and cheeks)
Here Maria is with Cristina... Maria pretending that she's doing the washing and Cristina actually doing the washing.  Cristina is a great sport about the whole thing.  Maria will steal the soap and splash her with water and she has a good time with it.
I have only washed things by hand once.... and those things were cloth diapers (we think the kids might be allergic to something in the diapers here.... they both -Maria more so- have spots/rashes that appeared right around the same time that we ran out of the diapers that we brought with us.).  Not exactly fun to wash, but the level of difficulty was not hard... would hate to was the jeans, or sheets by hand.....


Laurita said...

Oh, the memories. Yeah. I pitied everyone that washed their jeans in the pila. We had to wash our whites in one of my areas and I got so I was pretty fast and it was actually kinda therapeutic, you know? Relaxing. I missed it when I got home and sometimes I still miss the satisfaction of scrubbing out clothes on a rock. I'm a weirdo. But holy cow, it takes up SO. MUCH. TIME.

Secondly, I love Maria's hair, and how Cooper is mini-Marco! Oh man I am loving it.

Nana & Grandpa Toyk said...

I take it that the clothes are washed in cold water. Do they used cold water Tide? You guys don't like it when I use my clothes line...