Wednesday, April 23, 2008

dreams and emotions

so, i don't know if it's because i've been sick lately and have slept really poorly, or if it is because of the pregnancy.... but i have had some funky dreams lately... the other day i dreamed that i was having triplets, two boys and one girl, and that one of the boys had two left feet. getting him shoes was a real hassle.
not only have i been having strange dreams... my emotions have been haywire... just before marco and i left raleigh, a lady that we knew who was pregnant, went in for an ultrasound to determine the sex of the baby, and the baby no longer had a heartbeat. it was such a sad thing. anyway, we're going to find out the sex of the baby this friday... which i am so excited about!! I can't wait to shop pink or blue! but being this pregnant emotional freak-a-zoid i keep worrying that everything bad that could possibly happen is going to. I just need to remember to keep breathing.


Unknown said...

It's the pregnancy. I always have really weird dreams while pregnant. Oh and welcome to motherhood. Not to scare you or anything, but once you find out your pregnant the bad thoughts start to come. It'll get better and you won't think such thoughts as time goes on, but as a mom, I sometimes find myself worrying about what could happen to my kids. Either inside of me or on the outside. Try to not think about those thoughts, and just enjoy having a parasite (that's what my first doctor called Jake while I was pregnant) inside of you!

Clayton and Camea said...

Yay! Super trippy prego dreams! Aren't they crazy?

Tif said...

Sorry you're having scary/sad thoughts, Mairs...I unfortunately can relate all to well.

As for the dreams...oh man. Pregnant dreams can be the best (hehehe...not telling why, though!) or the worst, or just plain ol' strange. With Keira my recurring one was that she developed cerebral palsy while in me and I tried to convince the doctor and he took her out of me, showed me she was fine, and put her back in...but then when she was born I was right. Yeah, crazy. That one was bought on by strange shaking she'd do inside me, I think!

Kristen said...

It's totally the pregnancy! I know exactly how you feel!!! I have the most bizarre dreams also. Mark thinks it is funny to ask me every morning what my dreams were about from the night before. (He is crazy!) And keep your chin up about the scarey thoughts - I had them as well. I felt like the stretches of time between each doc. appointment were so hard - I hadn't started feeling the baby yet, so I never knew if she was okay...but Heavenly Father watches over us closely when we are carrying a sweet little one, so keep your faith, and everything will turn out the way it is supposed to! :) I am so happy for you and can't wait to hear what sex it is!