This Friday/Saturday was the Relay for Life by the American Cancer Society here in Bellingham. It is a very nice event. I helped my mom's team (Bob Wallin Insurance) out with their booth. We got there just after 2 on Friday to set up. The event's didn't officially start until later, which was good cause we were busy making posters and organizing. We couldn't start putting stuff out on the street until 5 or so when the roads were finally closed. They had the opening ceremony which was neat. They likened the walk to cancer.... you start walking and it's all good... but then it gets harder and harder... and around 3 in the morning you want to give up, but you keep walking.... fighting. (they say that this is kind of like the time in cancer where you begin chemo therapy) and then the sun comes up and things get a little easier (although if you ask my mom she'll say that anything after 3:30 isn't great until you've slept... and man-oh-man did she sleep saturday!!) They had a lap for cancer survivors which was really nice. The Luminaria bags are my favorite part. It's a pretty touching thing. We (mom, dad, marco and I) got to help light the candles this time. it was really neat. Marco and I stayed Friday night until after the bags were all lit, and then came back Saturday morning.
Here is Molly at our little booth. We sold cookies, rice krispies, scotcheroos, soap, and book thongs.
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