Monday, November 10, 2008

Butternut Squash Ravioli

Ok... yummy Butternut Squash Ravioli
cook the squash and the scoop the flesh into a bowl.
mix in 1/2 heavy cream
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp salt
we used both homemade pasta, and wonton wrappers (because i had heard that they were a good stubstitute) In my opinion the wonton wrappered ravioli were better. It was hard to work with the pasta dough, and the in the end it was thicker than we would have liked.

Here I was working with the pasta dough... but go for the wonton wrapper.... less labor intesive and really lets the butternut flavor shine. scoop about a teaspoon of filling onto the wrapper
here you would coat the edges of the wrapper with water and then seal cover with a second wrapper and seal. try not to trap any air. boil in a pot of water until it floats (maybe 2 minutes)
We had ours with a brown butter sage sauce, which is so easy to make. Throw some butter in a pan and let it melt over medium-low heat (a rough estimate of how much to use.... 1 Tbsp per person) as it melts the milk solids will separate from the fat sinking to the bottom of the pan and browning. There will be some "foam" on top... this is ok. then I ripped some fresh sage leaves into small pieces and dropped them into the butter. Let them fry up a bit so they are nice and crispy. Drizzle a little of the sauce over your butternut ravioli and...

Voila!! Butternut Squash Ravioli with a brown butter sage sauce.

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