Thursday, January 8, 2009

Once there was a snowman....

On January 1st we got more snow..... and this time it was really good snowman snow. So Marco made is first ever snowman with the help of my mom, and yours truly...

My mom rolled the middle ball...Marco rolled the bottom...

and i took pictures..... I also helped lift the middle ball, it was a little heavy...

trying to get rid of the brown spots...

marco made a head

and then it fell apart...

so he made another head...

this time it stayed together...

smoothing him out and finding his "best side"...

adding the snowman's face...

photo with the final product...

then marco decided to go "hunting for snowman" with his paintball gun...

he accidentally hit the neighbors motor home...

here he is with his "kill"

and then there was the suicidal snowman that we made behind the hummer.... he didn't last that long.

1 comment:

Heather O said...

That is awesome, looks like a lot of fun!