Sunday, March 15, 2009

Time Out For Women

For Christmas my uncle got a bunch of us ladies in the family tickets to TO4W. So, last Friday a few of my aunts, my cousin Dawn, my mom and I ventured down to Seattle...


Here are some highlights from the trip:

-shoe shopping
-clothes shopping
-walking around downtown Seattle
-dinner at the Cheesecake Factory
-Dawn hitting on Steve (one of the ushers at the event)
-our hotel
-walking to our hotel (we were walking and one man said to another he was passing "... hey man- Smile!!" and he replied "give me a dolla' and I'll smile!!" it was funny)
-missing Maria and crying
-wonderful uplifting talks (Kris Belcher is SO funny!! there is no reason a blind person should teach their children sign language)
-sourdough bread from Pikes Place Market
-being waitresses (the lunch restaurant was a little understaffed.... so we got our water.... and the water for about 20 other women (that I'm assuming were from our event)... fun and spontaneous!!)
-hanging out with family
-appreciating the joys of being a woman
-getting really cool tote bags

I had a really good time (although I do have to admit that I was glad to be home... back to my baby (and husband) and in my own bed once again. I'm looking forward to more trips with the girls!!

While we were there I wanted to take advantage of some of the amazing locations that we found... we didn't have much time but here's one of Aunt Odette, Dawn, & Mom.... one of just Odette, and one of just Dawn...




1 comment:

Andrea said...

Ok so I was looking at your blog and at the cute picture in the right hand corner, and I was like, "wait, that's Adelle." So funny that I didn't even notice until I really looked, I guess I wasn't expecting it. Great picture!! So cute, I love it. Thanks so much for coming over and doing that. Sorry for the chaos:) You were a great sport.