Sunday, September 26, 2010


My sis-in-law posted a post today entitled "five more minutes".

A friend of mine posted a post today entitled "competition".

Both struck a chord with me.

I really like how Rach said:
"I need to teach my girls NOW that I am always there for them.
I will drop what I am doing and be there. No matter what."
 And how Melissa said:
"So there are things I can do that no one else can do. No one else can show Ammón love on a daily basis and build him up. No one else can make Zeke smile multiple times a day and feed him and shower him with attention and help him build his neck muscles by making him spend time on his tummy."
 I had these epiphanies earlier this year, but hearing these things again only helps me to remember and try harder to be better.  I am going to renew my goal to be a better wife and mother, be my best competition, and stop saying just one more minute.  Put down whatever I think is important and pay more attention to what is really, really important

Thanks for the amazing posts ladies.

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