Thursday, March 10, 2011

Garbage Removal

Today we had our first thunderstorm.
Around 5 pm it started raining.
and it rained,
and rained,
and rained.

We had quite the river running down the road in front of our place after a little while.

The kids loved hanging out on the front patio watching it rain.

(I'm not sure why these next two pictures are sideways.... maybe it had to do with rotating & resizing on Marco's computer.... )

There was a guy on a horse that pulled his horse into the covered lot beside our place when it was raining and Maria kept telling me to "mira" the horse.
She loved standing on this little stool that Abuela got for her so that she wouldn't fall on the sippery, wet ground.
There is a garbage can on the other side of Abuela's house.  It doesn't get used that often.  People just throw their trash in the street.  It gets especially bad after market days when the streets are full and the vendors throw the plastic wrappings that their items came in wherever they choose. 
The neighbors will sweep the garbage that is in front of their home down the hill (towards our place) and then generally Abuela will sweep the stuff that is in front of our places down the hill to near the garbage can. 
Yes, we sweep the dirt here.
When the pile of garbage is large enough they'll light it on fire.  So we'll have mini-fire's / piles of ashes instead of garbage lying around.

Well in the road that became a river there was LOTS of garbage.  It was piling up in front of our place.  So Marco threw on his boots and a jacket and grabbed the broom and headed out to sweep the garbage down the road with the help of the river.
The neighbors up the hill saw him out there and lent him their hoe.  I'm not sure if the people that took shelter in the booths across the road thought that it was unusual or normal that someone was cleaning up the road during the rain.  It was entertaining though, watching him clean the road.  Watching Marco work is one of my favorite things.


Nana & Grandpa Toyk said...

Ok my dear! What clothes should I pack when I come to visit you? Maybe a bathing suit would be appropriate for all occasions? What is the temperature when it's raining?

Rach said...

Hope that helped with the dust, I love that Ria said "mira!" so cute.

Meredith said...

Mom- It's pretty much warm all the time. it was 77 in the house yesterday, and that is normal. Swimsuit would be good, skirts, shorts, maybe one pair of pants, and LIGHT pj's.

Rach- Maria is getting pretty good at understanding and speaking spanish. I can talk to her in spanish now and she will get most if not all of what I'm saying. "mira" is one of her favorite things to say.... that and "venga" (come on)

Ms. Elenbaas said...

I am sorry, but that is too funny. I can't help but chuckle at all the energy put into 'sweeping' the garbage down the hill and then lighting it on fire.... why don't they just pick it up piece by piece and put it into the garbage, then arrange a disposal system similar to the US and have it hauled off? The things we really take for granted here. Well I bet the thunder was a show in itself. Miss ya Meres!

Meredith said...

Ang- I know what you mean. They do have a "garbage truck" that comes around twice a week to pick up garbage and anything that happens to be in the garbage "cans". It does seems like it would be a good use to pay some people to pick up garbage, provide jobs for a few people, and keep the roads clean. Or I'm sure that there are some people who misbehave and need community service....