Thursday, April 9, 2009

discombobulation... is that a word?

I get my shampoo and conditioner in bulk. It's cheaper that way. This morning I used up the last of the conditioner so I decided to fill up the empty conditioner bottle, and near empty shampoo bottle. So I get out the big containers, and fill up the shampoo fist, then I start filling up the conditioner and realize that I just put the conditioner in the shampoo bottle and I am now putting shampoo in the conditioner bottle. Man, I just hate it when I get all discombobulated.

My sister came over today and told me some news.... she's ENGAGED!!! I'm so totally stoked for her! You guys have no idea how exciting this is.... well maybe you do - really ridiculously exciting!!
Anyway while she was here I was telling her how Maria has a lone tooth. It took me forever to tell her where it was, bottom right btw. I knew it was on the bottom, but those darn lefts and rights have always gotten the better of me!! Maybe it stems from that time when I was just a wee-one and I asked my mom which side of the road the train tracks were on. She told me the right. So when we were heading back I told her that the train tracks were on the right.... and she tried to correct me saying that, no, now they are on the left. Key word there being tried, I was a stubborn little girl and said that you (mom) told me that they were on the right so they're on the right. And to this day I still have problems with left and right.... although, there is one thing that helps. When I was in third grade I had soccer practice after school. We were practicing kicking the ball. I guess I was kicking ambidextrously because the coach told me to kick with my right foot. I felt like a dummy because I didn't know which one was my right foot. He was kind and told me and I kicked the ball. Now, the thing that helps me determine my left from my right is if I look to the east and pretend in my head that I'm kicking a soccer ball. Then I'll know, hey that's my right foot, so this is my right hand, and if I turn in this direction, I'll be going right. I know it's ridiculous, but that's how I roll.


Tif said...

You lost me as soon as you said east....I can do left and right easy as pie. But throw in N, S, E, W...I'm a goner!

Congrats to Bean, by the way! Tell her for me! Did you get my phone message? Are you going to call me back?

Corinna said...

Hey Meredith. Sorry I haven't gotten back to you. I will email you my number so we can set something up. I also have trouble with my left and right. A trick I learn was to raise your hands up palm down and extend your fingers and thumb and your left hand will make a L shape with your pointer finger and thumb and that is your left side. Sadly I do this a lot when people start talking lefts and rights. My husband finds it very amusing.

Meredith said...

yeah, I've tried that left and right trick with the fingers forming an "L" but i get so nervous that I forget what an "L" looks like. Justine says that I should just try to remember which hand I write with, and that too should be easy, but alas... under pressure the only thing that works is looking east.