Tuesday, May 12, 2009

encilada sauce

I made enchilada sauce this morning for tamales, which are cooking right now. I'm so excited, this is my first time making tamales. I hope they turn out. Anyway, back to the enchilada sauce. This was my 2nd time making it. Last time it was SO nummy. I used these huge dried chili's, but this time the store only had a ton of small dried chili's so I used those this time.... BIG mistake. Well, maybe not a mistake, but man that sauce is HOT!! I even removed the seeds from them, otherwise it would have been completely unbareable. But, that might be the reason why my hands are still burning. I've never had that before, with all the jalepenos I've diced my hands have never burned... I think next time I'll keep looking for the bigger peppers.

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